Rev. Mark A. Bartlett
Letter from the Pastor
On behalf of the Northern Disciples Co-operative Ministry Parish, I bid you grace and peace in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and welcome you to the United Methodist Church of Birchwood. The United Methodist Church of Birchwood is a Sister Church in a parish of 4 churches that I serve.
Growing up I was blessed to have a great church to be a part of! This is where I met many friends who have encouraged me in my life to live strong for Christ! I hope you can find a great church too! I often wonder what life would have been like for me if I hadn’t decided to give myself to Jesus Christ. My mind wanders down many paths, but I then conclude that God knows all things and he makes all things to work out for good. It took me many years to see that God had been calling me. I believe in one God, who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and the Savior of all men and women who put their faith in Him alone for eternal life. I believe that those who receive new life in Christ are called to be holy in character and conduct, and can only live this way by being filled with the Lord’s Spirit. I believe in the Bible and seek to establish my faith and actions on its teaching. I believe God wills for people everywhere to know Him and that the purpose of the Church is to tell the world about Christ through its worship, witness, and loving deeds. Jesus wants all of us to be disciples not just look like them. And he wants us to know that there will be some risks that go along with the job. There will be some difficult choices. Our priorities will have to be Gospel priorities not worldly priorities. We may experience criticism and even rejection. But the needs of this world for the healing touch and good news of God’s love for all remain great. All of us at the United Methodist Church of Birchwood who have come to know this love want to share it with you, we want to journey with you thru life. If you are looking for a place to worship with great folks, lovely facilities, and a variety of opportunities to grow and serve the Kingdom, I invite you to visit us. Sunday Worship is at 9:00 a.m. I hear again the essence of Jesus‟ message. It’s love. It’s all about love. Love for God and love for one another. Come and join us, and come as you are. You are welcome here.
In the light of Christ, Pastor Mark
‘You shall love the Lord thy God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ Matthew 22:37